Someone To Tell It To

by Someone To Tell It To Inc.



Helping the world to listen.“People ask me all the time, can you give me a list, maybe “the top ten things I need to do to listen well? Honestly, I bristle a bit when asked for a list. It helps to make remembering things easier, I get it. But…good and effective listening does not start and end with what you do. It starts and ends with what you believe. We must believe that everyone is worthy of being listened to. We must believe that everyone has a story to tell. And we must believe that everyone has a need to be heard. When people feel heard so much conflict is avoided, so much tension is diminished, and so much more is understood and clarified. It makes a significant difference.”We have designed our course to answer this question that we frequently get, “What can I do to become a better listener?” While we know that good listening is much more complex than a to-do list, we know from our extensive listening experience that these six steps will lead to better listening.1. Start with a Belief2. Create the Space3. Ask a Question4. Listen Intentionally5. Reach for Your Tools6. Take Time for Self-Care